Laparoscopic myomectomy


Laparoscopic myomectomy

Myomectomy comprises of two words wherein “myoma” means fibroids and “-ectomy” means removal. So, myomectomy is the surgical procedure that removes the fibroids present in the uterus.

What are fibroids?

Fibroids are benign or noncancerous tumors that develop in the woman's uterus. They are the abnormal outgrowth made up of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissues and often appear in the childbearing age. Sometimes these tumors do not show any symptoms or signs. While in other cases, they become significantly large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy menstrual bleeding.

Although the reason for the fibroids is not well understood, women with family history, obesity, or early onset of puberty are at a higher risk of getting the problem. Medication and complete removal of fibroids is the only treatment to get over fibroids.

When is myomectomy performed?

The doctor recommends myomectomy when there are the following symptoms-

  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • Heavy flow during the periods
  • Irregular and heavy bleeding
  • When you get the urge to urinate frequently

What is laparoscopic myomectomy?

Myomectomy can be performed in three different ways. These are-

  • Abdominal myomectomy - The surgeon removes the fibroids surgically by making a large incision in the lower abdomen.
  • Laparoscopic myomectomy - In this process, the surgeon makes a few small incisions in the abdomen and removes the fibroids robotically. It is a less invasive and safer procedure in which the recovery is also faster.
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy - In this process, the surgeon uses a hysteroscope and specialized instruments to remove the fibroids through the cervix or vagina.

How is laparoscopic myomectomy performed?

Laparoscopic myomectomy is performed through the following steps-

  • The doctor gives general anesthesia to the patient to reduce the discomfort during the surgery.
  • Around four incisions are made, each measuring half-inch long in the lower abdomen.
  • The belly is filled with gas that helps the doctor to see inside the uterus.
  • The doctor will insert the laparoscope, which is a thin and light tube-like structure with a camera on one end through one of the incisions. The laparoscope is equipped with a small camera to help the surgeon get the view.
  • Other specialized instruments are then placed inside through other incisions that remove the fibroids one by one.

If the fibroids are bigger in size, the surgeon may first cut them into small pieces and then remove them.

Lastly, the doctor will remove all the instruments, release the gas, and close the incisions. You may have to stay in the hospital for one day as the doctor will put you under observation.

Is laparoscopic myomectomy suitable for all types of fibroids?

Laparoscopic myomectomy is suitable in most of the instances, except when the fibroid is too large, numerous or difficult to approach.

What are the advantages of laparoscopic myomectomy over other methods?

There are many advantages of laparoscopic myomectomy as compared to the traditional ways of fibroids removal procedures. These are-

  • Faster recovery
  • Shorter stay in the hospital
  • Small incisions leading to faster healing
  • No scarring like in an abdominal myomectomy
  • Fair chances of pregnancy after the surgery

The success of laparoscopic myomectomy depends upon the expertise and experience of the surgeon. Therefore, always consult the best surgeon for the advanced laparoscopic myomectomy surgery.

What preparations are required in advance?

The patient needs to provide complete medical information, including medical history, to the doctor. Along with it, an assessment of symptoms and other clinical examination are also important in advance. Moreover, there will be a need for ultrasound scans that will provide the details of the number, size, and location of the fibroids.

What is the recovery period?

The recovery period is shorter when you remove the fibroids through laparoscopic myomectomy. The stay in the hospital will be only 24 to 48 hours, depending upon the severity of the condition. Though, longer stay may be needed in prolonged surgeries. You may experience light vaginal bleeding and difficulty in moving, which will subside after a few days.

Although you may feel a bit tired, there will be no difficulty in eating or drinking. You will be able to walk around or go to the toilet.

What are the aftercare precautions?

It is advised to take certain precautionary measures like-

  • Take regular medicines as recommended by the doctor
  • Avoid heavy exercises or lifting heavy objects
  • Take plenty of rest for the first few days of the surgery

Are there any risks involved?

Laparoscopic myomectomy is a minimally invasive technique. However, being a surgical procedure, it involves a few risks like abdominal pain, infection and bleeding. Additional procedures like blood transfusions, conversion to laparotomy (open incision) may be needed sometimes. Therefore, it is essential to consult only a highly experienced surgeon to rule out the chances of complications.

Dr. Sumina Reddy is one of the best gynecologists in Hyderabad. With years of experience and profound knowledge, she can deal with any complex gynecological case easily. She has dealt with many cases of myomectomy successfully.

Visit Dr. Sumina Reddy Clinic to know more about laparoscopic myomectomy.